Field trips will take place on the last day of the conference, April 15, 2018. Participants will have the opportunity to visit and explore some important places in the wider region of Lavrion by choosing one of the following field trips:

Field trip 1: “Bringing back memories: What I remember about the former French Mining Company of Lavrion”

A field trip in the Technological and Cultural Park of Lavrion. The participants have the opportunity to collect information about the French Mining Company of Lavrion, drawing their information, not only from the former employees, but also from the museum itself. Former employees share their memories with the participants, providing them a living source of research.

Field trip 2: “A Field trip in the town of Lavrion”

An enjoyable walk from the Technological and Cultural Park to the town of Lavrion.

Within one and a half hour the participants  will walk through the park with the palm trees, the central square of the town  with the characteristic buildings of neoclassical architecture, ending to the port of the town with the French Company’s wharf of loading and unloading, constructed by Eiffel.

Field trip 3: “A Field trip in the archaeological site of Souriza

The tour includes hiking in a closed trail path in the valley of Souriza, passing through ancient ruins and excavated metallourgical workshops, remains of the works of the French and Greek Mining Companies of Lavrion and the unique geology and biodiversity of the Lavrion habitat.

Following that, there will be a tour in the excavated archaeological site of the metallourgical workshops of Souriza where we will become familiar with the ancient metallourgical process and the function of the washeries.